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MKULTRA Briefing Book

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Project Bluebird

 Initially, the program researched hypnosis and sleep induction for use in extracting information from foreign agents as well as safeguarding information from the enemy employing similar techniques. (MORI ID: 140401)

In the summer of 1951, BLUEBIRD is renamed ARTICHOKE (MORI ID: 149489) for security reasons as the old cryptonym was known to many contractors no longer associated with the program.


mk ultra subproject 1

Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Princeton University
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook


Isolate and characterize the alkaloids of ipomoea sidalia choisy (Rivea Corymbosa)

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mk ultra subproject 3

 (See Subprojects 16, 42, 132, and 149)

Realistic field testing of R&D items of interest to Technical Services Staff. This is the infamous safehouses known as Operation Midnight Climax.
MORI ID: 17426

Contractor: George White (alias Morgan Hall, “a seaman”)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: New York City and San Francisco
Years: 1953 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and illegible.

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mk ultra subproject 5

Successful demonstration of “potentialities of hypnosis as a tool of the clandestine services”. Research in hypnosis was to determine if: hypnosis could be used as a memory enhancer, a learning aid, a polygraph deceiver, etc. Also,research into susceptibility of certain personality types to hypnosis.
MORI ID: 17448


Contractor: Alden Sears
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: illegible, University of Minnesota, University of Denver
Years: 1953 ― 1956
CIA Monitor: illegible
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund

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mk ultra subproject 7

: (See Subprojects 27 and 40)
LSD basic research. The studies included the use of LSD in therapy. As far as is known, subjects in this experimentation were witting. Funds are included for the payment of subjects.
MORI ID: 17470


Contractor: Harold Abramson
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: illegible and illegible
Years: 1952 ― 1956
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and illegible
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research

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mk ultra subproject 9

Study various depressant drugs which may more adequately control the maniacal psychotic patient, and test drugs that may help alcoholics and schizophrenics.
MORI ID: 17492


Contractor: Carl Pfeiffer
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Emory University and University of Illinois
Years: 1954 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and illegible
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fund

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mk ultra subproject 11

Developing and stockpiling toxins. Identify and produce in sufficient quantity for experimentation the active ingredients n certain seeds and plants. Preparation of a supply of the toxic protein, Abrin.

MORI ID: 17366


Contractor: ?
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: illegible
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 13

(See subproject 30)
Funding of Agency activity at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Petty cash fund for use where proper channels for a given activity will require an undesirable amount of written or oral justification. Expedient purchase of materials.
MORI ID: 17388


Contractor: illegible
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: illegible and Fort Detrick
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 15

Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17410


Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: illegible
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, illegible, and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 17

Synthesis of LSD and related compounds by chemical means; and learning the metabolism, site of action, etc., of LSD and related compounds.
MORI ID: 17412


Contractor: Harold Hodge
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: University of Denver and University of Minnesota.
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: illegible and Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Fundation

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mk ultra subproject 19

Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17414


Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: illegible
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and illegible and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 21

The original concept was to test the pharmacalogical activity of various materials (provided by Dr. Geschickter, acting as a cut-out)of interest to the Agency.
MORI ID: 17417


Contractor: ?
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: ?
Years: 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and illegible


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Practical Applications of  Clinical Hypnosis in the Military 


mk ultra subproject 2

Contractor: James Hamilton
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: Stanford University
Years: 1953 ― 1958
CIA Monitors: illegible, illegible, illegible, and Robert V. Lashbrook


(See Subprojects 124 and 140)
Miscellaneous research and testing services in behavioral modification. 1. Study the possible synergistic action of drugs which may be appropriate for use in abolishing consciousness through animal experimentation. 2. Survey of methods to enable the administration of drugs to patients without their knowledge.
MORI ID: 17415

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mk ultra subproject 4

Subprojects 4, 15, and 19 are to fund the contractor, a magician, to write a manual on the various aspects of the magicians’ art which could be useful in covert operations. The result was Mulholland’s Manual, declassified and published in 2009 as The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.
MORI ID: 17437


Contractor: John Mulholland
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: illegible
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, illegible, and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 6

Develop reliable source of LSD within the United States and assist in the search for additional natural hypnotic products. Previously supplier, Sandoz, based in Switzerland.
MORI ID: 17459


Contractor: Eli Lilly Company
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, illegible, Robert V. Lashbrook

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mk ultra subproject 8

 (See subprojects 10, 63 and 66)
Study of the biochemical, neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects of LSD, and also a study of LSD antagonists and drugs related to LSD, such as L.A.E. (Lysergic Acid Ethylamide). Testing upon human volunteers.
MORI ID: 17481


Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research, Massachusetts
Years: 1953 ― 1955
CIA Monitor: Robert V. Lashbrook
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research

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mk ultra subproject 10

(See 8, 63 and 66)
Study tested and evaluated the effect of LSD and alcohol when administered to individuals falling under various personality categories.
MORI ID: 17355


Contractor: Robert Hyde
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: illegible
Years: 1952 ― 1957
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, and Louis deFlorez
Cover/Cut-out: Geschickter Foundation for Medical Research

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mk ultra subproject 12

Isolate and investigate the chemicals responsible for the biological activities of materia1spresent in the bark of Piscidia Erythrina.
MORI ID: 17377


Contractor: illegible
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: illegible
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 14

OPERATION BLACK Payment to the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for the services of George White. Harry Anslinger, Commissioner of Narcotics.
MORI ID: 17399


Contractors: George H. White, Bureau of Narcotics
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: New York City
Years: July to November 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb

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mk ultra subproject 16

 (See 3, 42, and 149)
A continuation of Subproject No. 3 for realistic testing of R&D items of interest to Technical Services Staff.
MORI ID: 17411


Contractor: George White (alias Morgan Hall, “a seaman”)
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Locations: New York City
Years: 1953 ― 1954
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb, Robert V. Lashbrook, illegible, and illegible

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mk ultra subproject 18

Technical Services Division authorized to spend $400,000 for the purchase of LSD from Eli Lilly. ($400,000 obligated of which only $l,337.45 expended)
MORI ID: 17413


Contractor: illegible
Contractor’s Clearance: ?
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Years: December 1953
CIA Monitor: Sidney Gottlieb

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mk ultra subproject 20

Prepare a supp1y of the dimannich derivative of Yohimbine hydrochloride for use in other approved projects.
MORI ID: 17416


Contractor: Pedlow Nease Chemical Company, Inc
Contractor’s Clearance: TOP SECRET
Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Years: 1953
CIA Monitors: Sidney Gottlieb and Robert V. Lashbrook

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More coming soon--there are 149 total. I will be uploading sources weekly.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

-R. Frost


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